Monday, July 28, 2008
Hope Is As Hope Does
You stop too long in one place
You think you can never get out of it
You feel doomed by yourself that you are stuck
When fear replaces hope
You get tired more
You find reasons why other things don't get done
You can't think past the fear that you are in
Long enough to be "present" in other things
Yet when you have hope
You speak in solutions
You speak, I finished this and I finished that
And you start looking for other things to do and to finish
You see fear breeds fear
And hope breeds hope
Love breeds love
Depth is what happens when you understand that this happens
Fear is the opposite of life
It stops life right to the point that you fear it
And Hope reminds you that everything is possible for real
And the only difference between something happening and something not happening
Is you deciding it will
Hope is the Hop in your steps
That keeps your shoes walking
And trust that you will find what you are looking for!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The Light of Wings
You can see everything underneath them
When wings are spread
Light is able to shine
When wings are spread
Everything underneath them is allowed to spread too
You see, all the wings are
Are the way through to the clouds
Wings can fly
As we forget we can
We think the clouds don't move
That they are always just there
Yet above the clouds the sky is actually blue
The light is there without obstruction
As the rainbows shine after the rain
The light is always there waiting for you to find it
We all have wings
We just forget we can fly
We think our wings don't work
As we forget we have dreams
And live in the Have To's
Instead of Want To's
Want To's can rule
Your smile can shine
The light is above the clouds
And the clouds can be flown through
Nothing is as it seems
Nothing is as it is seen
Everything has a way of working
And always we have the choice
It is funny that we forget how much we know
And even when we forget
If we just used what we knew already
We could live in our dreams
And that dreams are meant to become reality
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Love Anytime
There is no time for when
There is no way for how
There is no reason to do it
Just love in this minute
Love when you talk or don't talk
Love when you solve or walk away until you can
Love when you cook and it will taste better
Love when you shop and you will buy what you love
Love when you eat and you will eat slower and be satisfied more
Love is so simple
That we walk right past ourselves
And others
On our way to "love"
As though it is an obscure thing
When it is a simple thing
So easy to smile into
And walk around with
And stare the world in the eye
So that it can stare right back at you
You can never know or learn too much when it comes to love
Love really is endless
Love doesn't have to look a certain way
Or be a certain way
All you have to do is FEEL it
Feel it and let it feel you
Say it and let it live around you
Think it and it will come out in your words
Dream it and it will walk with you in your days
Know it and you will know
It is not as it seems
It is just what it is
You at your best
To purchase your copy of "Origins of Truth", please click on the book cover below.

Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Magic of Mama
Without my Mom
And her voice is still so loud in my head
It makes me smile
And then I cry
But always always it soothes me to say
Just saying Mom
Whether we have, had or don't know who she is
It is sheer comfort to our souls to say it
To walk into a home
Where food is cooking
The beds are made
The garden is full
The trash is taken out
And the wash is washed
It is comfort that no matter where you go that day
You come home
To what is, was or feels like Mama
The magic of a soul who only gives
And doesn't know what to ask for back
Who cooks with everyone in mind
And cleans for the comforts of you when you are there
Mama is Mom is Grandma to some
Home to others
And love in all
When we say Mama
We are saying love
When we hear Mama
We all know what we mean
We even know what Mama looks like
Mama is God's hand on Earth
That is allowed to touch our lives in all ways
And your life's feeding is knowing
That Mama is your magic
No matter who you are

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Breaths of Love
We would do anything for it
Most times give everything up because of it
We dress different when we are in it
We walk faster when we feel it
At the end of the day
We replay it in our heads
In the beginning of our days we wake up thinking of it
When we shop we shop with it in mind
When we smile
It is the love of love that comes through
Love is so innocent
That if you find yourself in any situation in life
When love is not present
Then know that you must keep looking until it is
We are driven to love
We thrive when we feel it
And we starve without it
Love is a promise that our souls already know
Love is the thing we come with
And care about so much when it is time to go
Love is in the answer
Of every question that we ask
Love is the purpose
Of every decision that we make
Pay attention to love
It is the sprinkler of our lives
It waters us and grows us
And breathes through us
When we can breath with it
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You Have To Let Go To ReSEEve
You find a way
Right when you say stop
You are ready to go
Right when you say you are not looking
You meet someone
Letting go of the fears of things not happening
Allows them to happen
Forgetting that you have to control the outcome
Gives you the outcome
Giving up control is actually having more control of your life
When there are expectations
Attached to anything that you think you want
It puts a pressure on it
On you
That strips your wants of joy, of vision, of truth
It immediately becomes an object
And if you don't get want you want from it, from him or her
You live in frustrations over and over again
Letting Life teach you allows life to be just that, Life
Controlling life is like telling nature when to rain, when to stop, when to produce a rainbow
Would the rainbow be as wonderful if you told it to be?
It is the miracle of it that makes it so alluring
Life has those miracles too
When we are not looking, seeking, forcing an issue
Letting Life live is to give it life
And then you can live in it
Without the boundaries and limits we know
Without what we need from it causing stress
There is so much we miss, trying to see
Yet seeing what we didn't miss
Is the magic of our lives!
Heads and Tails
We question it as though somehow it will hurt us
Yet it can only rest us, settle us, give us the tools to go on
Yet the things that are not truth,
They are the easier things to pacify the day
Wait until later with
Keep us not accountable a day longer
So many times people ask how they can love themselves?
What does that mean to love myself?
It is to pay attention to the truth around you
To care enough about you to no longer postpone who you are in this day
To live in the day with the energy that it could be your last
And the intensity that love is forever
And the foresight to see both
Self love is open ended
And susceptible to all changes of a day
Yet when you are doing right by yourself
That day is always better
Every "better" day that you have
Can become a way of life
And YOUR life is really worth it
YOU are really worth it
No need to find reasons of why you don't have to do anything now
Flip the coin
The same coin it has always been
Knowing all along...
The other side of love
The other side of hope
The other side of you
In your pocket
Waiting for you
The Sketchpad of Our Lives
What Love Looks Like
You don't need to hear it so much
You simply know it is there
You are more willing to listen
And say what you think
You trust that life will teach you
And you allow it to be
You give without expecting anything back
No tallies or You didn't do's
When you feel love...
Love surprises you
Its simplicity catches you off guard
You can think of other people or things you love in life
You get that you don't have to do anything for love
You start to realize the difference
Between hearing someone say I love you
And Feeling the truth of their love
Love reminds us that we are together
That we all want the contentness that accompanies it
That the Truth of us is much more content than we think it is
Love's gift comes with its understanding
That it has nothing to do with what it does for you, gets you, or makes you look like
Love is a feeling, a spirited emotion
A guidless map on a road that is endless, boundriless, limitless, ageless, and full of experiences
That never fail to remind us of our capacity
Spinning Wheels Go Round and Round
It doesn't mean you have to
The perception is of not having
You have yourself
The truth is there is not as much money
So then you have the time
The space to slow done
Money deceives us into believing that we are doing something for ourselves
When in truth it postpones what we feel onto another day, a slow time
We are in the those times
And we have us, each other
We will bake more because prepared foods are more expensive
WE may read a book instead of going to a 10 dollar movie
We may watch a show with our families rather than have somewhere to go
It is so easy to be busy with busy things that take us nowhere
And make us feel like we are in fact doing something
Slow down, so that you can see, so that you can feel
Slow down and look at yourself and all that you carry within
And let it have its turn
Stop yourself from feeling like you have to do something to feel someone
In Truth
You have to feel something to Do Everything!
Small Choices Make Big Decisions
WE all have choices
No one else makes them
WE do
No blaming
No taking away from others
No taking away from yourself
All of our thoughts
All of our choices
Are what we do
What we become
And the stems live within us
Never let go of the truth
That what you think is what you do
And what you do is what becomes
And what becomes is what is your life
It is in your hands, in your thoughts in your heart
Life is open to all of us
Allow life to live in your life
Base the decisions you make on the love and truth of you
And life will be allowed to teach you who you are
And show you it is OK
To live without the restrictions
Of waiting for the big things first
And missing the way to get there in everyday
Clean the path
Don't just clear it
See the road you are on
Not just the fact that you are driving on it
Remind yourself that today is real and a part of what you will take with you tomorrow
When the Big Decisions are made, you will see how you got there
When the Big Decisions are made, you will know how to do it again and again
Monday, March 10, 2008
Every Change is a Million Baby Steps
Then you know what it is
Then you wish it
Then you think
How do I get to it?
How do I do it?
Then you see it again
You are attracted to it again
You think, wow, I wanted to do that, have that
And then you think, I will wait until another day to start towards it
And then you hear about it
And wonder why you have not acted on it yet
And you promise yourself you will
You can not start anything without starting it
You can not finish anything without starting it
The bottom line is to simply find a way to do it
You can not and will not do it all at once,
However if you start by seeing yourself do it
And then create a path to it
And figure out how it will look when you are there
When you have accomplished it
It is already done
Everyday is the time to start, even if you just look it up and find others who have tried
Everyday is another opportunity to take one more step
And then another
You see, action is motivation
It is not the finish line that is the fun
It is getting there and the appreciation
You will love
It is the fuel of the next thing we wish
Then want
Then plan
Then do
None of us can change all at once
Knowing how to change is what changes in us
Accepting that we can change changes us
We spend our whole lives trying not to change
When we are all about Change
Friday, March 7, 2008
Morning Coffee
I keep reminding myself
As I always think of God
Seeing us all the time and I keep thinking of God Saying:
"I gave you this challenge
What are you to do with it?
See how you want it to beAnd live what you see
It is you who creates it
Never underestimate
the power of loving your own soul
For only then can you love another's
For only then can you propel your life as you see it
For only then can you see
It is not that you deserve it or not
It is simply that you can see it
accept it And learn the growth it came to provide you."
Look at life that way
Know that God sees your everything
And there is nothing to hide
Not even from myself
Give everyone around you
All the space they need
And let them teach you who they are
Not who you want them to be That is the only way to learn
The only way to see yourself enough to see them Life IS beautiful
Life is truth
No Answers Just Journey's
Stop yourself from thinking you don't deserve it
Let yourself dance
Don't shortchange your soul
Always, Always, Always,
Replace guilt with love
Always, Always, Always
Remind yourself that perfection is love
Stop telling yourself no one loves you
That is not truth for anyone
Keep out of the ballpark that throws balls that say
I don't like me
Just live without the reasons why
We all know why we are here
And that is to find love
So instead of finding out how to love and then doing it
Do it
And then see what happens
WE are not here for answers
WE are here for journey's
Live your journey's with the pride of life
And Life can only leave you proud
Sweet Surrender
That when we try to close it up
Try to make it go away
Leave it a lone for a while
It keeps coming back
Like a person all it's own
Love has a personality
It takes our personality
And it changes us
When we are in love
We feel like we can float
That we can do anything
And we try
And we will try and eat foods we never would have
See a movie that we would have not thought of to see
It makes us trust life so easily
So addictive and we find love so appealing
Love is a person
That comes to us in surprise
And we surrender to it
When we can see it
When we let it in
When we say, OK, come, I will go with you
Anywhere you want to go
Love is the freedom we fight for
Love reminds us we are in fact able to do something new
Be someone new
Love is the newness in our eyes
The fragrance of our souls
Love is the breeze of our thoughts
And the eyes of our world
Such a sweet surrender
That when you let yourself walk to it
It will hold your hand
And show you it's path
The Merry Go Round Of Fear
And then we get mad if someone else recognizes us...
When we fear we fight about the symptoms
Not what we fear
Therefore the fighting seems to never stop
Because our fear was never mentioned
Our vulnerabilities are still there
Our hurts are still present
They are old and weathered and even the slightest movement towards them
Will bring about a confrontation
Fear is the opposite of love
Fear is the fear of love
It looks like it is working towards love
However every time love gets close to fear
If the fear is not apparent
Another fight erupts which validates and deepens the fear
And puts space between you and another
And reminds you that fear has won again,
Hence being more upset and fearful the next time around
The thresholds become steeper
The words become uglier as time goes on
Since fear is not addressed
And anger at yourself sets in
However you can not be as angry at yourself
So it HAS to be the OTHER person
Is that fair?
No, that is fear!
Fear is the robber
Living in your soul
Scares you to pieces
With no glue to connect you to you
Let alone another
Fear is the frustration
That reminds you, you don't know everything
When you are in charge of everything else
Fear comes in the spots you don't expect
Like when you fall in love
And want to start new
As you get closer to another
It rolls in like a fog
Not noticeable at first
And then you start feeling happy and settled
As your happiness is something you feel you could get use to
Fear comes in and starts to play
It tells you the other person could not possibly love you
That you are not worth loving at all
And then it second guesses the person
Who came into your life
And loves you and is attracted to you
And fear tells you that it isn't so
It can't be
Not you
That you don't deserve love
If someone didn't know your mind or your history
You are free with them
And as they get to you, know you, you start to fight
That is fear fighting
Fearing fighting you
If you could both look at each other
And simply speak
With all honesty and inner pure intent
That I really love you
I just don't know how to
I really care about us
But I don't feel I deserve this
I want not to fight with you
But I don't know any other way
That fear has been around longer than you have
I want to believe that we can overcome it
I want to believe that I can overcome it
But I haven't been able to do it yet
And now I am so use to not living in love
I have learned how to be in love
However I haven't learned how to live in love
Can we be honest enough to know
It is not your tone of voice
Or your way of doing things that bothers me
It is me that bothers me
I am not yet free enough to be here
And I want to be
This is me fighting fear
That is the truth of it
Is it safe for me to be loved no matter what
Because if I can't love myself enough,
How I will have enough for you
For us
If we are honest
We would say
You are really not bothering me
We are here for a reason
To teach each other to overcome fear
If we can't see that
We will blame each other for the rest of our lives
If we can see that
We can help each other for the rest of our lives
Which do we want
It is a choice
Honesty tells us there are no mistakes
Fear tells us everything is a mistake when it comes to us
Fear challenges our emotions just because that is where we have been hurt
I want to take away the power of fear
And remind myself that it is not my friend
Fear is the ego part of me that has never helped me before
My soul is what I want to look at and to push fear to the side
I want to live in why I am fearful rather than simply responding to fears power
I have the strength and the will to do this
Fear only has the strength I give to it
I want to love you
And I know you love me
Let's start there
When we fight and we both can see it is fear and not us
Let us remind each other
That we are here because of love
And that fear is in our path
That we deserve love
And fear is now seen
That we can do this
As we dissolve fear
Checklist Of Love
A safe place
A pillow you can rest your head on and know that there is nowhere like it in the world?
Dinner for two or three or four, it is all the same, enough love to fill the room?
Honor of each other's soul without taking away and then waiting to say your sorry?
Love is so different now, than it ever has been
Love now, is open and willing, in a way that defies the pressures we face
We have people available from anywhere that can pierce a relationship
Whether it be Internet or work or just plain out and out flirting
We have bills that are bigger than us
Debt in many cases
Children that are brought up in a generation of technology
And we weren't
We have more eating out
And less time at home
We have jobs that need many hours
And paychecks that are not enough, no matter how much money we make
With all of that Love is here
Within blended families
And single parenting
Within disabilities that are slight to our children
And providing them with balanced childhood's
With attachments and grows that may not come from the parents themselves
Love now, says with all of that we still want to be with, meet and share our lives
With that special someone
Someone who we can trust
That makes all of this worth it
To have more happy days
Than harsher ones
To go out together
And come home to rest
To look forward to seeing
And work towards future
Love is not about sex
Although it comes with it
But it comes with other things too
So it couldn't be about sex alone
Love is about hope
And dreams
And "worth it's" coating each day we share
And "trying" to step out of our comfort zones to see the others point of view
And "helping" when it is needed without a word that WE did anything
Love is not about a home
Love is the air you breath in your home
Love is the clean sheets
And the sound of the washer going
Love is the scents of food
And the tray of cookies that come out of the oven
Love is the ride to work
Or to the airport
Love is the walk around the block
And the talks that bring you closer
Love is the truth, the love, the purity
Of YOU in your foundation
Love is the bounce board of all your other interactions
Love is the fuel of your soul
That fuels everything else
Love isn't only with one person
It extends itself to your children in a way you never knew
It opens up the reasons to know and interact
It gives the purpose to us to take on new things
It gives the reasons to hold on to old things
Love is the balance of all we can think
The reason for all that we do
The purpose of why we do it
And the sustainer of all that we know
Love is grand and should never be put on the back burner
Anything left on a back burner will burn
Do a love check today
Do you love your days?
Are you happy within them?
Do you feel the love of others in your home?
Do you share your love with those you love?
Do you go to work thinking you make a difference?
Do you come home feeling you are coming home to love?
Are the issues that need to be taken care of in trust and love and purity?
Are your intentions to fill your heart, your home with love?
Do you look forward to home, Home being anywhere that you are?
Life is Valentines
Days are love
And moments are lived
That bring opportunities to feel love
As much as we look for it
It's creation is in our hands
Why Not Me?
There are no failures
There is only life
We made up the word mistake
We made up the word failure
Or I can't do
Our capabilities
Our abilities
Do not know the word NO
Those words did not exist before we existed
Those words did not have strength until we gave them strength
To say something was a mistake is simply to say I have learned nothing
To say you are a failure is to say you have stopped trying
To say you are not capable
Is to say that you have found an excuse
And to say you do not have the ability
Is to say you don't want to attempt
To say I can't
Is really to say I won't
Remember when you stop yourself
From trying something new
Something you have wanted to do
Something you have admired in life as part of you
Remember to remind yourself
That your mind speaks for you without your permission
It is up to your soul to tell it how you feel
To say, why not me????
Why not me
To take on my fears
Why not me
To fix that broken thing
Why not me
To own that home
Why not me
To cook that fantastic meal
Why not me
To feel love in my heart
Why not me
To share the love I feel
Why not me
To set goals and achieve them
Why not me
To plan ahead
Why not me
To do as I dream
Why not me?
For I am a soul too
Just like you
There is no soul more important than another
No matter who they are
Why not me?
No more reasons
No more explanations
Why not you?
It is just someone who already knew
That we made up the word NO!
Why Not Me?
There are no failures
There is only life
We made up the word mistake
We made up the word failure
Or I can't do
Our capabilities
Our abilities
Do not know the word NO
Those words did not exist before we existed
Those words did not have strength until we gave them strength
To say something was a mistake is simply to say I have learned nothing
To say you are a failure is to say you have stopped trying
To say you are not capable
Is to say that you have found an excuse
And to say you do not have the ability
Is to say you don't want to attempt
To say I can't
Is really to say I won't
Remember when you stop yourself
From trying something new
Something you have wanted to do
Something you have admired in life as part of you
Remember to remind yourself
That your mind speaks for you without your permission
It is up to your soul to tell it how you feel
To say, why not me????
Why not me
To take on my fears
Why not me
To fix that broken thing
Why not me
To own that home
Why not me
To cook that fantastic meal
Why not me
To feel love in my heart
Why not me
To share the love I feel
Why not me
To set goals and achieve them
Why not me
To plan ahead
Why not me
To do as I dream
Why not me?
For I am a soul too
Just like you
There is no soul more important than another
No matter who they are
Why not me?
No more reasons
No more explanations
Why not you?
It is just someone who already knew
That we made up the word NO!
Why Not Me?
There are no failures
There is only life
We made up the word mistake
We made up the word failure
Or I can't do
Our capabilities
Our abilities
Do not know the word NO
Those words did not exist before we existed
Those words did not have strength until we gave them strength
To say something was a mistake is simply to say I have learned nothing
To say you are a failure is to say you have stopped trying
To say you are not capable
Is to say that you have found an excuse
And to say you do not have the ability
Is to say you don't want to attempt
To say I can't
Is really to say I won't
Remember when you stop yourself
From trying something new
Something you have wanted to do
Something you have admired in life as part of you
Remember to remind yourself
That your mind speaks for you without your permission
It is up to your soul to tell it how you feel
To say, why not me????
Why not me
To take on my fears
Why not me
To fix that broken thing
Why not me
To own that home
Why not me
To cook that fantastic meal
Why not me
To feel love in my heart
Why not me
To share the love I feel
Why not me
To set goals and achieve them
Why not me
To plan ahead
Why not me
To do as I dream
Why not me?
For I am a soul too
Just like you
There is no soul more important than another
No matter who they are
Why not me?
No more reasons
No more explanations
Why not you?
It is just someone who already knew
That we made up the word NO!
So Old It's New
A sense of trusting comes over you
It looks like a straighter back when you walk
It sounds like, Yes, why don't I try that
It becomes, This is OK, I can handle this, whatever it is
When you have learned something new
You appear as though you can learn anything new
Nothing is left behind that you feel you can not do
When someone does something for you
That they didn't have to
You now give with knowing
What it means to them
And then to you
Taking on life is not so hard to do
It is what we want from life that throws us for a loop
Imagine not knowing that we can not do something
Imagine not getting embarrassed or worried about what anyone else can say about us or do to us
Imagine if we didn't have clothes
We would really all be the same,
Flaws and all
Imagine if we didn't have cars to tell the world who we are or aren't
Imagine if we only had our hearts to live by
How much more truth would be told
Not telling the truth of yourself to yourself
It is an old thought now
We can't get away with tricking ourselves about who we are
We really are each other
Or we can't get too far
You see, there is no way we are not of each other
As hard as we try to hide who we are,
Show the world we are better than another
We are on one planet
One world
One economy
One food source
One Heart each
One body each
And many ways to Love and Care
And many ways in the lacks of love and caring
At the end of each day it is the beginning for another person
So that we can keep on taking care of our world
So that someone is awake while we sleep
Old thought--mine
New thought--ours
Old thought--me
New thought--us
Old thought--them
New thought--all
Old thought--no one will ever know
New thought--what I feel speaks louder than what I do
Old thought--no one cares about me
New thought--is it me that doesn't care about anyone?
Old thought--I am not good at anything
New thought--I too, get to participate in life, it is for everyone, not just them, not just me
WE are in need of a NEW language
A language that speaks to our souls and not our ego's
A language that gives us momentum without stagnation
A language that reminds us of who we really are
Without pretending
Self love comes when we think of a whole and we understand our part
Old thoughts try so hard to keep us thinking we have to out do anyone or anything
Our NEW THOUGHTS are who we are
Before we took on the race of life rather than the living of it
Let life live so that it can be life
Life without living is not living at all
It is like sucking on a pacifier
Rather than drinking the milk and having nutrition
Old Thought--To LOOK like anything
New Thought--To BE anything!
The Holiday of Love
Avenues and Bridges for souls to connect and to reconnect.
Holiday's include all souls
Holidays do not ask you if you believe in anything
Holiday's do not judge you, nor do they tell you what to do
Holidays are a time when any one soul can speak to any other soul and say, Happy Holiday
The original contents and context of any Holiday no longer is remembered
It is far removed from the event itself
Yet the grandor and the warmth comes from souls having one time, one day, moments to be in common
To not include work in the day
To see those souls that they do not see often
To eat foods made with love and think of or do anything else
It is an exempt day from worry, fear, doubt for most souls and that energy carry's all else
You see, it is not the day that makes it special, it is the arrival of something anticipated
Something understood that teaches us over and over again that we can think of, prepare for and complete a task
That there is an outcome of love
And that love really does include itself everywhere
You see there are those who do not believe in love
They say they love, yet they do not know how to do love, to include love in their daily life(s)
There is not a way to do it
There is only a way to be it
Love is felt, not so much said or spoken
It is spoken by souls within the glory of love, however it is felt
When it is felt, you will find it needn't be said so much
Holiday's remind us that the love is present for it is felt
Even amongst strangers to each other
There is greater public display of colors and lights and a sense of celebration
And when it is all over
A soul wants to return to routine for now it is rejuvenated and fulfilled and ready to work,
Clean and prepare again
For when there is love, the soul is fueled
That is why at the conclusion of Holiday, a soul will speak
I am happy it is now over
What the soul is saying is that I now know I am loved
I can feel it again
I am ready now to share and grow and do
Let Love Loose!
Let yourself acknowledge that you seek love, that you need it as much as you need to share it on the outside, you need to feel it on the inside
Souls can not give what they do not have
Those who speak they do not love, simply fear love for it is powerful and uncontrolled
Yes, that is love
Love is the stimulant of our souls
It makes us smile without warning and it gives us fuel to do all else
A Christmas story for this time and day, has already happened
It is the gift of love
It is the truth that love exists in everyday and crescendo's on the Holiday's for the souls that love meet and the energy exponentiates
Have I spoken enough about love yet?
That can never be
For love is infinite and eternal
Love is the only language spoken at home, and searched for in revere on Earth
For each and every soul, no one excluded, no one left behind is already love
The Umbrella of Light
That when there is light
You can see where you are going
And when there is not
The path instills fear
When there is light
Love is felt closer to your decisions
You can think of the next thing to do
You will ask for help in a moment
Since the risk of asking is little for you
When we are not sure
Of where to go next
We have options and we weigh them
With what will bring us the greater reward
And what the drawbacks could be
We try to create the path before we walk onto it
Since there is not light to see
Yet when we FEEL the light
Even if the road is not seen
You are not in fear of walking onto it
You truly believe that you will be OK no matter what happens
There is nothing you need back from your time or energy
Since you believe that is what you want to experience
Without strings or manipulations
You see when there is fear, you find a way to tell yourself
What is right or wrong
Like a scale as to which side is heavier
Should you go this way or that
Balance is key
However under the umbrella of light
The balance is different
The balance is "do I really want to do this or not"
It is not, what will so and so think,
What will I get in return
Oh no, I may get hurt
Light doesn't hurt
Light doesn't judge
And Light doesn't tip the scales one way or another
All light does is give you the opportunity to see
And then you can decide what to do
When there is Fear
Fear breeds angers that you even have fear
So next time you are scared to do anything, remind yourself
That you simply want to see
You want to ask yourself
Why do I do this?
How do I do right by Me?
I fear nothing so that I don't miss a thing
I don't like you fear, You found a way to take me away from me
And now I see you from the sight of my light
That you are just in my head
You simply maneuvered me along
Until I could see you for what you are
Fear, you were in the corner of all my life's work
I take you off my path now
So that I walk past you
So that I could see
The light that shines behind you
When I use to be afraid to look
How simple a step it takes,
Only one more than my usual thoughts
I use to stop at you, fear
Because of the wall you built
Yet the wall had a door
That you covered up
Fear you are not the monster
It is the mask you wore so well
The Day After The War
The war ended today
The troops of all the participating countries will go home
We will leave the lands of others
And build our own again
We will and have found a way to share
Resources and differences and love
And we are now going to put it down on paper
How we will try
There will be pictures
And they will be of the families reunited
And of those that can not
Of the hardships it has left behind
Of faces whose eyes have taken the toll of life and reflect it back to us
There will be stories of the smell of death, of hurt, of hiddens craziness
That pushes us to killing each others bodies
And finding out that the soul continues to live and you can not kill it
Something God has already known
In truth there is no point to war
We can kill the skin of another
However we can not kill the soul
Or the lessons it was supposed to teach us while it was here
In whatever country it came to live in
In whatever circumstances it came to experience
And the learning of mission upon return to the heavens of absoluteness
Without the lacks of love we so easily live in here on Earth
From Heaven this is its Earth
Heaven can not see the lines that we draw
Or the angers of our souls
Heaven can only see the hope of our hearts
And the light of our thoughts
When we go dim
The entire world goes dim
Since one person's dimness
Can try to convince others of its lacks of light
And its strategy to get it back
And how if we own this or that
WE will be better, stronger, than someone else
The dim lights of ego have taken us to many places we can not be proud of
And trying to be on top of that is the saddest comment to life of all
When ego is the leader, realizations of our own issues come to light
When love is the leader, truth of our own issues is addressed instead
We will never stop learning, that is the purpose of Earth
We have free will, that is the purpose of our souls
To find love in its enormity is the mission of all of us
It is the strength and the backbone of who we are
And we try to ignore love and we even try to tell each other why
There is never a reason to take down so many souls without cause or reason
Greed never could be an answer, just as ego can never be a solution
Love of self leads us to the love of others
No one on Earth is without a dream
When someone has a nightmare
We need to tell them it is a nightmare
Not agree with the worst parts of it
Soon there will be a day after the war
Under any circumstances
If we say, 'lets try' we will try
And if we say the war needs to continue
We are saying that we are so blind to what life is meant to be
That we are willing to live in the nightmare of others which is now our own
The ripple affect of love is abandoned
So let's go back to sleep and wake up to the dream that takes us to another level
The level of love of each other
And reminding ourselves that a soul is a soul
And that we can work together much easier than trying to erase each other for the convinces of someone's nightmare
That love can be the leader
That truth can be the soulution
And that purity can still be found in us
Truth is Truth is Truth
Are the one's who make nothing out of a big deal as well
It is a big deal when they are not the ones to do something
And then when they do that something, they say so what
It is called the old double standard
We do it with others
And we do it with ourselves
We think everything is OK if we do it
And then we will really give it to someone if they take on the same liberty
As though our anger with ourselves is stronger than our anger for them
But we can't get mad at ourselves for it so we take it out on them
And then they think we are hypocrites
And we would be by then
Which puts us further in the hole within ourselves
Since now we are not only doing something we don't respect
We now have hypocrite to add to the list
And denial
And rejection of anyone who reminds us of what we don't like about ourself
Do you see how it starts,
The stem of what we do and why we get to where we are
Wouldn't it be nicer to ourselves to simply not go about business
In a way that we don't respect ourselves for
Whether it be talking about someone else in a way we wouldn't want to hear about ourselves
Doing something we don't think is right and trying to make excuses for ourselves
Using others to release our angers rather than to look at ourselves as to why we have it
So what's next?
Catching ourselves
When we start speaking of another in a way we know isn't right
To listen to what we are saying in filling in our own name
That is sobering
To think twice before doing anything that is hurting us
By asking ourselves, an I doing this to take away from myself,
To punish me for being scared to be happy all the way?
To sabotage my life so that I don't have to go forward?
Why am I choosing to do this?
When I start expressing anger to another
Stop myself by asking myself
Why am I REALLY Angry at this person
Do they remind me of the parts that I don't like or respect in myself so I use them to be mad at?
We are told how to help ourselves,
Over and over again
Yet there are all these programs to do this or that
This is not a program,
This is life, Life is not a program
Life is a way to live
With answers to go back to our essence,
To truth, love and purity
We will only solve anything
When we ourselves stem from truth, love or purity
Ask yourself your intentions
And you will find answers that you haven't seen before so readily
Yet they are answers you can live with once you think them
It will relieve you and those you love
To have a chance to live in truth
And to find love
And to recognize how it feels to touch on your honest feelings, which is your purity
So simple is the truth, so varied on how to get to it
Hurt Shmurt---We Can Handle It
Then they make us quiet
Then they try to protect us
Then they isolate us
Then they make us resentful
Then they make us angry
Then we say we don't care
Then we find a way to live without whatever it is that hurt us
Then we stop caring for others since we feel that no one cares about us
Then we think more than we speak
Then we start to believe that no one cares about us or notices that we have done all of this work because we were hurt
And that happens, because we ourselves stopped caring
And we don't realize that in all of that we just sold ourselves short from sharing ourselves with us,
Because now we think we took care of it, whatever it is
And it will never happen to us again
We tell ourselves that it is OK if we do that to another since someone did it to us
And we put up our shield and go out into the world
What if we just admitted what hurt us and went on?
Would it help us in our honesty to say it hurt and we want to say we are sorry to ourself that we are hurt
And that we will take care of ourself by telling someone we can speak to
And come to objectivity?
We are not the only one hurt
We CAN know the difference between holding on and letting go
That we can know that the problems are not so different
It is how we RESPOND to hurt that differentiates us
Life really is a reflection of what you want it to be
We can hold things in and not speak or we can speak and release
We can share ourselves with others and realize there is a helping love out there
Or we can say no one cares and in turn, care about no one
When someone cares, appreciates, listens to us, we are in the love of life
When someone does not, it is a big Earth of emptiness that we create to live in
We have the tools, we have the knowledge
And now we have the mind and heart to take ourselves just one more step towards reaching our own soul
Towards our own self worth
Towards our net worth
Towards us understanding how it looks, what to do, what to think and say that brings us to a whole within ourselves
I stand firm, that when you feel something, find a way to release it
We have already tried, generation after generation to hold things in and that means we are strong
We found that it does not work, and it is time to find what does
It is time, finally to relieve ourselves of having to be anything
That anything is better than not sharing, not knowing
That Healing is so close by and already available
Tap into Healing your heart, this is the beginning of what that looks like
Wake Up Love
Is love that is unspoken
We feel so energized when we are noticed
Not the attentions that you would think
Like the big awards or the new things we can have
It is in the conversations, where both people can look each other in the eye
It is in the meals shared, that were prepared together and eaten together
It is in the leftovers that you can not wait to eat
You will find love when someone puts there hand on your back and says that was really good
meaning you made a difference
You touched my life
you reminded me why it feels good to see you
You can see love when someone prepared to see you
Had nothing bad to say about anyone
Then you know there is nothing to say about you
That you can speak in words that are present
With out the takings away
You hear love
When you hear feet walking towards you
That are not stomping
Not rushing
Not passing you by
Love is everywhere and everywhere is today
It is not in the past and you can only foundation what is to come
With love
Love is a choice
We all want to live in it
Yet we find a way to take it away from us
With words that would hurt someone
That would feel hurt to have heard them
Speak in the present
Speak as you would want to hear of yourself
Speak in honor of life, love, and purity
It may sound weird to say it,
Yet once you do,
You will be harder on yourself
When it comes to a moment that we could take away and we make a choice not to
That is what breeds trust from yourself to you, from others to you
And then dignity comes in
And then you begin to feel a sense of love for yourself
It is going from good to great
From closed to open
From not understanding self respect to seeing it live
Love is found
Love is here
And love wants to show you what it can be
Unopened Gifts
To remind ourselves
To remember
To speak out loud
How do I forgive myself
That is one unopened gift
How do I have compassion for myself
Yet another unopened gift
We speak in life, I have been able to forgive....another
I can now go on
Yet what is forgiveness?
How do you forgive yourself?
To forgive is to say I have not learned
Compassion will speak that you have learned
You see, it is not about forgiveness at all
Forgiveness says that you will overlook and get over something that hurt you
Whether you did it to yourself or to someone else
It is to say, that you have not learned the lesson so you will forgive the action
And then what?
Do you just go on forgiving forever and not going further as to why you are doing it or allowing someone else to do it to you?
Compassion to yourself, to others, to say, Yes, this happened, whatever it is, and we will learn from it
Compassion to understand the motives, the reasons and to say, I understand why you did this
Is there another way to get what you need
Without hurting yourself or others
In teaching children
There are three rules of discipline to follow
Don't hurt yourself
Don't hurt others
Don't damage or destroy property
That is truth for all of us
If we don't hurt ourselves, we actually do not have a need to hurt others
Damaging or destroying property is usually a byproduct of being hurt
When we forgive ourselves or others we are acknowledging we are hurt or hurt another
Compassion is the step after, we can't just stop at forgiving
Compassion reminds us of the human part, the part where we gain self understanding and love
With words like
I know you didn't mean that
I know you are hurt already
I can see now your intentions are good for me, or maybe they are not
Is this a safe place for me to grow
Or is this teaching me this is not the place for me to stay and learn of life
Forgiveness is like a power play or relief button
Compassion finds a soulution, and landing place, a mutual caring for what results in what has happened
Compassion is the way to get past anyone having to forgive anything
It is the place where we learn why, not just what
Where we see motivation rather than action only
Where we grow within ourselves, then someone else
Self accounting, self love, growth
It all starts in the solutions, not in the answers
Anyone can say yes or no
Yet the parts that say why are the growths
The parts that say why are the teachers
The moments of discovering are when you can go on and live past those moments
There is a vast difference between forgiveness and compassion
Compassion teaches love and forgiveness gives power to someone to grant it
Compassion soothes and grows and forgiveness is saying, I have forgiven you so many times, now what?
The crutches of living in doing and forgiving
Rather than speaking and learning
Breaks the cycle of not paying attention to yourself with excuses
And brings back the questions you had as a child
Why, is one of the greatest questions any child asks and doesn't stop until they find out
It is their happiness so that they can go out and play
They already understand that full disclosure is their freedom
Quietly as we "look" so much smarter than them
Look again, there is still an unopened gift under your tree
It is called Self Love
Sweet Happiness (Good Times Never Seemed So Good)
Just let me do right by you
Things are in such a mix down here
People are happy at times
But mostly they are looking to be happy
They don't even see at times when they are taking the happiness they seek away from themselves
That is the hardest thing for me to see
I always feel like I want to help everyone at once
Like I want to take care of them
And then I realize over and over again
That every one is responsible for their own missions
And my love is only a part of it
But the things I find myself saying
Over and over again
Trust yourself enough to know that everything that is happening to you today, is meant to teach you something
And if you can't see it today, then it will keep on coming to your door until you can open the door
Our lives here are to learn about overcoming and growing onward in what we each come here to do
We seem to be devastated everytime something doesn't go our way or when anything happens to us
I know it is hard to face any problems, issues or mishaps
We all have our share
However it is how we deal with it that makes us different from each other
Not one of us has a monopoly on wisdom
We need each other
Some of us write, some entertain, some weld metal, some make homes, some sell food
If one cog in the wheel is missing, then the wheel can or will eventually fall off
It is hard to listen to person after person complain about everything that isn't working
And when I ask what is working
There is discounting
As though because it is working
It doesn't matter
The working things are the VERY things that matter
That is what keeps us believing in all the other things that don't matter
What is right for us and what isn't
Why or why not
WE don't seem to pay attention to the clues down here
We all seem to want what isn't ours and not want what is
God, I am not looking for answers in this
I am just telling you like it is
People could be a lot happier down here, around here, if only they could see the beauty
The beauty that is already here rather than always "waiting" until it gets here
We usually miss when it gets here
Because we always want so much more and we don't even know what that is
I wish we could remember how great it is to have running water
And enough food to eat
That if someone loves us for real, no matter who they are, that is a great feeling
That we don't chase things for our ego's
However create beauty with our hearts
That just having a home and a bed to sleep in really does mean a lot
I keep thinking that when we can get to that level of appreciation
That we start to feel more sure of other things
And we begin to create greater life around us
And fears subside
Then we start to trust that happiness is really available and present
And that it is not something that happens to us
Happiness is just waiting to be noticed
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Checklist of Love
A safe place
A pillow you can rest your head on and know that there is nowhere like it in the world?
Dinner for two or three or four, it is all the same, enough love to fill the room?
Honor of each other's soul without taking away and then waiting to say your sorry?
Love is so different now, than it ever has been
Love now, is open and willing, in a way that defies the pressures we face
We have people available from anywhere that can pierce a relationship
Whether it be Internet or work or just plain out and out flirting
We have bills that are bigger than us
Debt in many cases
Children that are brought up in a generation of technology
And we weren't
We have more eating out
And less time at home
We have jobs that need many hours
And paychecks that are not enough, no matter how much money we make
With all of that Love is here
Within blended families
And single parenting
Within disabilities that are slight to our children
And providing them with balanced childhood's
With attachments and grows that may not come from the parents themselves
Love now, says with all of that we still want to be with, meet and share our lives
With that special someone
Someone who we can trust
That makes all of this worth it
To have more happy days
Than harsher ones
To go out together
And come home to rest
To look forward to seeing
And work towards future
Love is not about sex
Although it comes with it
But it comes with other things too
So it couldn't be about sex alone
Love is about hope
And dreams
And "worth it's" coating each day we share
And "trying" to step out of our comfort zones to see the others point of view
And "helping" when it is needed without a word that WE did anything
Love is not about a home
Love is the air you breath in your home
Love is the clean sheets
And the sound of the washer going
Love is the scents of food
And the tray of cookies that come out of the oven
Love is the ride to work
Or to the airport
Love is the walk around the block
And the talks that bring you closer
Love is the truth, the love, the purity
Of YOU in your foundation
Love is the bounce board of all your other interactions
Love is the fuel of your soul
That fuels everything else
Love isn't only with one person
It extends itself to your children in a way you never knew
It opens up the reasons to know and interact
It gives the purpose to us to take on new things
It gives the reasons to hold on to old things
Love is the balance of all we can think
The reason for all that we do
The purpose of why we do it
And the sustainer of all that we know
Love is grand and should never be put on the back burner
Anything left on a back burner will burn
Do a love check today
Do you love your days?
Are you happy within them?
Do you feel the love of others in your home?
Do you share your love with those you love?
Do you go to work thinking you make a difference?
Do you come home feeling you are coming home to love?
Are the issues that need to be taken care of in trust and love and purity?
Are your intentions to fill your heart, your home with love?
Do you look forward to home, Home being anywhere that you are?
Life is Valentines
Days are love
And moments are lived
That bring opportunities to feel love
As much as we look for it
It's creation is in our hands