Monday, July 28, 2008

Hope Is As Hope Does

When fear replaces hope
You stop too long in one place
You think you can never get out of it
You feel doomed by yourself that you are stuck

When fear replaces hope
You get tired more
You find reasons why other things don't get done
You can't think past the fear that you are in
Long enough to be "present" in other things

Yet when you have hope
You speak in solutions
You speak, I finished this and I finished that
And you start looking for other things to do and to finish

You see fear breeds fear
And hope breeds hope
Love breeds love
Depth is what happens when you understand that this happens

Fear is the opposite of life
It stops life right to the point that you fear it

And Hope reminds you that everything is possible for real
And the only difference between something happening and something not happening
Is you deciding it will

Hope is the Hop in your steps
That keeps your shoes walking
And trust that you will find what you are looking for!

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