Friday, March 7, 2008

Wake Up Love

The Love we need now
Is love that is unspoken
We feel so energized when we are noticed
Not the attentions that you would think
Like the big awards or the new things we can have

It is in the conversations, where both people can look each other in the eye
It is in the meals shared, that were prepared together and eaten together
It is in the leftovers that you can not wait to eat

You will find love when someone puts there hand on your back and says that was really good
meaning you made a difference
You touched my life
you reminded me why it feels good to see you

You can see love when someone prepared to see you
Had nothing bad to say about anyone
Then you know there is nothing to say about you
That you can speak in words that are present
With out the takings away

You hear love
When you hear feet walking towards you
That are not stomping
Not rushing
Not passing you by

Love is everywhere and everywhere is today
It is not in the past and you can only foundation what is to come
With love
Love is a choice
We all want to live in it
Yet we find a way to take it away from us
With words that would hurt someone
That would feel hurt to have heard them

Speak in the present
Speak as you would want to hear of yourself
Speak in honor of life, love, and purity

It may sound weird to say it,
Yet once you do,
You will be harder on yourself
When it comes to a moment that we could take away and we make a choice not to
That is what breeds trust from yourself to you, from others to you
And then dignity comes in
And then you begin to feel a sense of love for yourself

It is going from good to great
From closed to open
From not understanding self respect to seeing it live

Love is found
Love is here
And love wants to show you what it can be

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