Without my Mom
And her voice is still so loud in my head
It makes me smile
And then I cry
But always always it soothes me to say
Just saying Mom
Whether we have, had or don't know who she is
It is sheer comfort to our souls to say it
To walk into a home
Where food is cooking
The beds are made
The garden is full
The trash is taken out
And the wash is washed
It is comfort that no matter where you go that day
You come home
To what is, was or feels like Mama
The magic of a soul who only gives
And doesn't know what to ask for back
Who cooks with everyone in mind
And cleans for the comforts of you when you are there
Mama is Mom is Grandma to some
Home to others
And love in all
When we say Mama
We are saying love
When we hear Mama
We all know what we mean
We even know what Mama looks like
Mama is God's hand on Earth
That is allowed to touch our lives in all ways
And your life's feeding is knowing
That Mama is your magic
No matter who you are

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