Tuesday, May 6, 2008

You Have To Let Go To ReSEEve

Right when you give up
You find a way
Right when you say stop
You are ready to go
Right when you say you are not looking
You meet someone

Letting go of the fears of things not happening
Allows them to happen
Forgetting that you have to control the outcome
Gives you the outcome
Giving up control is actually having more control of your life

When there are expectations
Attached to anything that you think you want
It puts a pressure on it
On you
That strips your wants of joy, of vision, of truth
It immediately becomes an object
And if you don't get want you want from it, from him or her
You live in frustrations over and over again

Letting Life teach you allows life to be just that, Life
Controlling life is like telling nature when to rain, when to stop, when to produce a rainbow
Would the rainbow be as wonderful if you told it to be?
It is the miracle of it that makes it so alluring

Life has those miracles too
When we are not looking, seeking, forcing an issue
Letting Life live is to give it life
And then you can live in it
Without the boundaries and limits we know
Without what we need from it causing stress
There is so much we miss, trying to see
Yet seeing what we didn't miss
Is the magic of our lives!

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