Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What Love Looks Like

When you feel love...

You don't need to hear it so much
You simply know it is there

You are more willing to listen
And say what you think

You trust that life will teach you
And you allow it to be

You give without expecting anything back
No tallies or You didn't do's

When you feel love...

Love surprises you
Its simplicity catches you off guard
You can think of other people or things you love in life
You get that you don't have to do anything for love
You start to realize the difference
Between hearing someone say I love you
And Feeling the truth of their love

Love reminds us that we are together
That we all want the contentness that accompanies it
That the Truth of us is much more content than we think it is

Love's gift comes with its understanding
That it has nothing to do with what it does for you, gets you, or makes you look like
Love is a feeling, a spirited emotion
A guidless map on a road that is endless, boundriless, limitless, ageless, and full of experiences
That never fail to remind us of our capacity

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