Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Spinning Wheels Go Round and Round

The economy is slowing down
It doesn't mean you have to
The perception is of not having
You have yourself
The truth is there is not as much money
So then you have the time
The space to slow done
Money deceives us into believing that we are doing something for ourselves
When in truth it postpones what we feel onto another day, a slow time

We are in the those times
And we have us, each other
We will bake more because prepared foods are more expensive
WE may read a book instead of going to a 10 dollar movie
We may watch a show with our families rather than have somewhere to go

It is so easy to be busy with busy things that take us nowhere
And make us feel like we are in fact doing something
Slow down, so that you can see, so that you can feel

Slow down and look at yourself and all that you carry within
And let it have its turn
Stop yourself from feeling like you have to do something to feel someone

In Truth
You have to feel something to Do Everything!

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