Jesus Speaks to a Muslim Woman from Defining Moment TV on Vimeo.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Magic of Mama
It's the first Mother's Day
Without my Mom
And her voice is still so loud in my head
It makes me smile
And then I cry
But always always it soothes me to say
Just saying Mom
Whether we have, had or don't know who she is
It is sheer comfort to our souls to say it
To walk into a home
Where food is cooking
The beds are made
The garden is full
The trash is taken out
And the wash is washed
It is comfort that no matter where you go that day
You come home
To what is, was or feels like Mama
The magic of a soul who only gives
And doesn't know what to ask for back
Who cooks with everyone in mind
And cleans for the comforts of you when you are there
Mama is Mom is Grandma to some
Home to others
And love in all
When we say Mama
We are saying love
When we hear Mama
We all know what we mean
We even know what Mama looks like
Mama is God's hand on Earth
That is allowed to touch our lives in all ways
And your life's feeding is knowing
That Mama is your magic
No matter who you are

Without my Mom
And her voice is still so loud in my head
It makes me smile
And then I cry
But always always it soothes me to say
Just saying Mom
Whether we have, had or don't know who she is
It is sheer comfort to our souls to say it
To walk into a home
Where food is cooking
The beds are made
The garden is full
The trash is taken out
And the wash is washed
It is comfort that no matter where you go that day
You come home
To what is, was or feels like Mama
The magic of a soul who only gives
And doesn't know what to ask for back
Who cooks with everyone in mind
And cleans for the comforts of you when you are there
Mama is Mom is Grandma to some
Home to others
And love in all
When we say Mama
We are saying love
When we hear Mama
We all know what we mean
We even know what Mama looks like
Mama is God's hand on Earth
That is allowed to touch our lives in all ways
And your life's feeding is knowing
That Mama is your magic
No matter who you are

Nadia Khalil Bradley,
Origins of Truth,
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Breaths of Love
It is a stimulant
We would do anything for it
Most times give everything up because of it
We dress different when we are in it
We walk faster when we feel it
At the end of the day
We replay it in our heads
In the beginning of our days we wake up thinking of it
When we shop we shop with it in mind
When we smile
It is the love of love that comes through
Love is so innocent
That if you find yourself in any situation in life
When love is not present
Then know that you must keep looking until it is
We are driven to love
We thrive when we feel it
And we starve without it
Love is a promise that our souls already know
Love is the thing we come with
And care about so much when it is time to go
Love is in the answer
Of every question that we ask
Love is the purpose
Of every decision that we make
Pay attention to love
It is the sprinkler of our lives
It waters us and grows us
And breathes through us
When we can breath with it
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We would do anything for it
Most times give everything up because of it
We dress different when we are in it
We walk faster when we feel it
At the end of the day
We replay it in our heads
In the beginning of our days we wake up thinking of it
When we shop we shop with it in mind
When we smile
It is the love of love that comes through
Love is so innocent
That if you find yourself in any situation in life
When love is not present
Then know that you must keep looking until it is
We are driven to love
We thrive when we feel it
And we starve without it
Love is a promise that our souls already know
Love is the thing we come with
And care about so much when it is time to go
Love is in the answer
Of every question that we ask
Love is the purpose
Of every decision that we make
Pay attention to love
It is the sprinkler of our lives
It waters us and grows us
And breathes through us
When we can breath with it
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Nadia Khalil Bradley,
Origins of Truth,
You Have To Let Go To ReSEEve
Right when you give up
You find a way
Right when you say stop
You are ready to go
Right when you say you are not looking
You meet someone
Letting go of the fears of things not happening
Allows them to happen
Forgetting that you have to control the outcome
Gives you the outcome
Giving up control is actually having more control of your life
When there are expectations
Attached to anything that you think you want
It puts a pressure on it
On you
That strips your wants of joy, of vision, of truth
It immediately becomes an object
And if you don't get want you want from it, from him or her
You live in frustrations over and over again
Letting Life teach you allows life to be just that, Life
Controlling life is like telling nature when to rain, when to stop, when to produce a rainbow
Would the rainbow be as wonderful if you told it to be?
It is the miracle of it that makes it so alluring
Life has those miracles too
When we are not looking, seeking, forcing an issue
Letting Life live is to give it life
And then you can live in it
Without the boundaries and limits we know
Without what we need from it causing stress
There is so much we miss, trying to see
Yet seeing what we didn't miss
Is the magic of our lives!
You find a way
Right when you say stop
You are ready to go
Right when you say you are not looking
You meet someone
Letting go of the fears of things not happening
Allows them to happen
Forgetting that you have to control the outcome
Gives you the outcome
Giving up control is actually having more control of your life
When there are expectations
Attached to anything that you think you want
It puts a pressure on it
On you
That strips your wants of joy, of vision, of truth
It immediately becomes an object
And if you don't get want you want from it, from him or her
You live in frustrations over and over again
Letting Life teach you allows life to be just that, Life
Controlling life is like telling nature when to rain, when to stop, when to produce a rainbow
Would the rainbow be as wonderful if you told it to be?
It is the miracle of it that makes it so alluring
Life has those miracles too
When we are not looking, seeking, forcing an issue
Letting Life live is to give it life
And then you can live in it
Without the boundaries and limits we know
Without what we need from it causing stress
There is so much we miss, trying to see
Yet seeing what we didn't miss
Is the magic of our lives!
Nadia Khalil Bradley,
Origins of Truth,
Heads and Tails
Many times I have found that we don't like the truth
We question it as though somehow it will hurt us
Yet it can only rest us, settle us, give us the tools to go on
Yet the things that are not truth,
They are the easier things to pacify the day
Wait until later with
Keep us not accountable a day longer
So many times people ask how they can love themselves?
What does that mean to love myself?
It is to pay attention to the truth around you
To care enough about you to no longer postpone who you are in this day
To live in the day with the energy that it could be your last
And the intensity that love is forever
And the foresight to see both
Self love is open ended
And susceptible to all changes of a day
Yet when you are doing right by yourself
That day is always better
Every "better" day that you have
Can become a way of life
And YOUR life is really worth it
YOU are really worth it
No need to find reasons of why you don't have to do anything now
Flip the coin
The same coin it has always been
Knowing all along...
The other side of love
The other side of hope
The other side of you
In your pocket
Waiting for you
We question it as though somehow it will hurt us
Yet it can only rest us, settle us, give us the tools to go on
Yet the things that are not truth,
They are the easier things to pacify the day
Wait until later with
Keep us not accountable a day longer
So many times people ask how they can love themselves?
What does that mean to love myself?
It is to pay attention to the truth around you
To care enough about you to no longer postpone who you are in this day
To live in the day with the energy that it could be your last
And the intensity that love is forever
And the foresight to see both
Self love is open ended
And susceptible to all changes of a day
Yet when you are doing right by yourself
That day is always better
Every "better" day that you have
Can become a way of life
And YOUR life is really worth it
YOU are really worth it
No need to find reasons of why you don't have to do anything now
Flip the coin
The same coin it has always been
Knowing all along...
The other side of love
The other side of hope
The other side of you
In your pocket
Waiting for you
Nadia Khalil Bradley,
Origins of Truth,
The Sketchpad of Our Lives
The day starts with you saying
I have to do this
I have to do that
And then you get dressed
You leave for work
And are driving thinking
As soon as I get there
This and that is going to happen
I have to try and avoid this or that
I will do this until lunch
And then....
After lunch you feel the day is winding down
You try to have a minute to yourself
And then you sit for a minute
Feeling refreshed, it is close to going home
And on your way home,
You have to stop at the store,
Put gas in the car,
Pick up a child or two
You get home and you have to come up with dinner
Make sure the house is in order
The kids are doing homework
Getting things done so you can rest
As soon you sit down, you remember one or two things,
You get up again
Finally you sit
You find a book to read, a show to watch
And you fall asleep suddenly
You rest
You run
You rest again
A day in the life of us
A day that we thought we would get further
A day we trusted
Taking ourselves to the day we can sit still
And we Trust again that it will come
We think for a moment
We long for a feeling
Any feeling that reminds us of why
Why we are running so fast we can't see
And we tell ourselves we will do something different the next day
We will feel more
Do more
Love more
Say more of what we think, what we felt
Stop for a moment of enjoyment
Stop for a moment of care
To ourselves
To others
We forget this is our world
That while we are here
We are the designers
Instead we are living in a template called life
As we let life create us
As in truth we create life
Nadia Khalil Bradley,
Origins of Truth,
What Love Looks Like
When you feel love...
You don't need to hear it so much
You simply know it is there
You are more willing to listen
And say what you think
You trust that life will teach you
And you allow it to be
You give without expecting anything back
No tallies or You didn't do's
When you feel love...
Love surprises you
Its simplicity catches you off guard
You can think of other people or things you love in life
You get that you don't have to do anything for love
You start to realize the difference
Between hearing someone say I love you
And Feeling the truth of their love
Love reminds us that we are together
That we all want the contentness that accompanies it
That the Truth of us is much more content than we think it is
Love's gift comes with its understanding
That it has nothing to do with what it does for you, gets you, or makes you look like
Love is a feeling, a spirited emotion
A guidless map on a road that is endless, boundriless, limitless, ageless, and full of experiences
That never fail to remind us of our capacity
You don't need to hear it so much
You simply know it is there
You are more willing to listen
And say what you think
You trust that life will teach you
And you allow it to be
You give without expecting anything back
No tallies or You didn't do's
When you feel love...
Love surprises you
Its simplicity catches you off guard
You can think of other people or things you love in life
You get that you don't have to do anything for love
You start to realize the difference
Between hearing someone say I love you
And Feeling the truth of their love
Love reminds us that we are together
That we all want the contentness that accompanies it
That the Truth of us is much more content than we think it is
Love's gift comes with its understanding
That it has nothing to do with what it does for you, gets you, or makes you look like
Love is a feeling, a spirited emotion
A guidless map on a road that is endless, boundriless, limitless, ageless, and full of experiences
That never fail to remind us of our capacity
Nadia Khalil Bradley,
Origins of Truth,
Spinning Wheels Go Round and Round
The economy is slowing down
It doesn't mean you have to
The perception is of not having
You have yourself
The truth is there is not as much money
So then you have the time
The space to slow done
Money deceives us into believing that we are doing something for ourselves
When in truth it postpones what we feel onto another day, a slow time
We are in the those times
And we have us, each other
We will bake more because prepared foods are more expensive
WE may read a book instead of going to a 10 dollar movie
We may watch a show with our families rather than have somewhere to go
It is so easy to be busy with busy things that take us nowhere
And make us feel like we are in fact doing something
Slow down, so that you can see, so that you can feel
Slow down and look at yourself and all that you carry within
And let it have its turn
Stop yourself from feeling like you have to do something to feel someone
In Truth
You have to feel something to Do Everything!
It doesn't mean you have to
The perception is of not having
You have yourself
The truth is there is not as much money
So then you have the time
The space to slow done
Money deceives us into believing that we are doing something for ourselves
When in truth it postpones what we feel onto another day, a slow time
We are in the those times
And we have us, each other
We will bake more because prepared foods are more expensive
WE may read a book instead of going to a 10 dollar movie
We may watch a show with our families rather than have somewhere to go
It is so easy to be busy with busy things that take us nowhere
And make us feel like we are in fact doing something
Slow down, so that you can see, so that you can feel
Slow down and look at yourself and all that you carry within
And let it have its turn
Stop yourself from feeling like you have to do something to feel someone
In Truth
You have to feel something to Do Everything!
Nadia Khalil Bradley,
Origins of Truth,
Small Choices Make Big Decisions
They are all choices
WE all have choices
No one else makes them
WE do
No blaming
No taking away from others
No taking away from yourself
All of our thoughts
All of our choices
Are what we do
What we become
And the stems live within us
Never let go of the truth
That what you think is what you do
And what you do is what becomes
And what becomes is what is your life
It is in your hands, in your thoughts in your heart
Life is open to all of us
Allow life to live in your life
Base the decisions you make on the love and truth of you
And life will be allowed to teach you who you are
And show you it is OK
To live without the restrictions
Of waiting for the big things first
And missing the way to get there in everyday
Clean the path
Don't just clear it
See the road you are on
Not just the fact that you are driving on it
Remind yourself that today is real and a part of what you will take with you tomorrow
When the Big Decisions are made, you will see how you got there
When the Big Decisions are made, you will know how to do it again and again
WE all have choices
No one else makes them
WE do
No blaming
No taking away from others
No taking away from yourself
All of our thoughts
All of our choices
Are what we do
What we become
And the stems live within us
Never let go of the truth
That what you think is what you do
And what you do is what becomes
And what becomes is what is your life
It is in your hands, in your thoughts in your heart
Life is open to all of us
Allow life to live in your life
Base the decisions you make on the love and truth of you
And life will be allowed to teach you who you are
And show you it is OK
To live without the restrictions
Of waiting for the big things first
And missing the way to get there in everyday
Clean the path
Don't just clear it
See the road you are on
Not just the fact that you are driving on it
Remind yourself that today is real and a part of what you will take with you tomorrow
When the Big Decisions are made, you will see how you got there
When the Big Decisions are made, you will know how to do it again and again
Nadia Khalil Bradley,
Origins of Truth,
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